Border sign 1545 Ducal Prussia-Polish Kingdom-Grand Dutchy of Lithuani

Foto: Ludmiła Pietrzak

A border sign built in 1545 close to a ford on the river Ełk where the borders of Ducal Prussia, the Polish Kingdom, and the Grand Dutchy of Lithuania used to meet. It is made of brick, plastered, and roofed with red plain tile. About 6 metres tall. Originally, on its eastern wall was a marble plaque with emblems of the Grand Dutchy of Lituania and Ducal Prussia, and the Latin inscription read: ”When (Polish king) Sigismund II Augustus ruled the country of his father and margrave Albert I (at the same time) ruled the ancient Jagiello boroughs, and he peacefully ruled the country of (Old) Prussians, this sign was built to mark the border of the country and separate the lands of the two rulers in August 1545.”